Monday, November 4, 2013

Are You Holding it All Together?

She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hand holds the spindle. ~ Proverbs 31:19 NKJV

There is something admirable about the women who weave yarns, textiles and fabrics to take care of their families. They take an age old practice in some communities and countries and teach it to their daughters or the younger women in their families. Weaving can meet household needs as well as an income.

Interestingly, another definition of distaff is “of, relating to, or being a woman.” It applies to being the fiber or thread that holds it all together:  A woman.

So, are you holding it all together? Do you provide for your own well-being as you provide for the well-being of others? Are you taking care of you so that your daily stresses and obligations don’t wear you down?

The hope is that you answered ‘yes’ to every one of those questions. Some of you will answer ‘no.’
We can come become so caught up in managing the lives of those we love that we forget that we need to manage ourselves. The best way to turn a ‘no’ to those questions to a ‘yes’ is by making your well-being a priority. Exercise, eat well, sleep and rest and above all, nourish your spirit by spending time alone in God’s presence by reading and meditating on His word. 

Sisters, the best way to hold it all together for others is by insuring that you are holding it all together for you. 

God Bless,

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