Monday, October 28, 2013

Diamonds and Pearls: The Appreciation of a Woman's Worth - November 2, 2013


Diamonds and Pearls: The Appreciation of a Woman’s Worth

A Night of Honor

Join us as we honor 10 selfless powerhouses who embody the More Than A Rib Mission, Philosophy, and Vision.( Jalene Mack, Jurodell Brown Banks, Thecia Jenkins, Lakisha Antoine, Dr. Carlin Barnes, Sharon and Ashley Cheatham, Wynter Patterson, and Donna Franklin)

A Night of Literature

This event will also serve as the official More Than A Rib book release event (authors Varion “Se7en The Poet” Howard and Rickie Chaffold)

A Night of  Art

Featuring performances by Tony Henry, Se7en, Joseph Palmore, Nikki The Kidd, Khalid and the eclectic art of Crystal Dotson Laboy

A Night of Giving

We will be accepting donation as there are cost to continue to provide quality products and events to the community. All proceeds and donations for the night will go the ARN GROUP LLC DBA More Than A Rib.

This event is to be held at Houston Museum of African American Culture, 4807 Caroline Street Houston, Texas 77004, on Saturday evening November 2, 2013, from 6:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. This evening of celebration, honor, literature, art, and giving will be the official kick off the More Than  A Rib movement, which will support future literature, life and cognitive skills training  and other community events.

Go to for contact details, review copies, booking and interviews.

Serve Where You Are

She extends her hand to the poor, yes; she reaches out her hands to the needy. ~ Proverbs 31:20 NKJV

Isn’t it interesting that there is a distinction made in Proverbs 31:20 between the poor and the needy? Our general understanding would lead us to believe that they are one in the same. In truth, these are two distinct categories of service. A needy person is not always poor; they are lacking something they need whether tangible or in the form of support.

In 2013, the Proverbs 31 woman is most likely given to view her service as a function of church duty and it is great. After all, there are many needs to be served in a church building. However, the truth is service opportunities live next door and across the street; in the next cubicle or two seats over in the board room. More truth: Our service is a part of our lifestyle as followers of Jesus. 

Some of the most beautiful testimonies of service are born of opportunities right where we are, whether at home or work or at school or even sitting in a pew. There is a woman who needs a job and an elderly woman across the street that cannot always wait for visiting relatives to help her with household chores or to take her to the grocery store. Maybe that woman who has been coming to work later and later simply needs a resource that you have to help her with childcare or caring for an ailing parent. 

Sisters, keep your hands open and your heart prepared to serve right where you are. God is always glorified in a lifestyle that includes that kind of quiet giving. 

God Bless,

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ask Wynter: How Can I Become More Lady-like?

Hello Wynter:

What I'm learning as I approach years 29 and 30 of my life is that for many young women, including myself, we were taught by our mothers how to be women (strong, independent, etc.) but not how to be ladies. What are some tools that I can use to take with me, or books that I can read, or materials that I can study that will teach me at this age how to adopt more lady-like behaviors. And quite frankly, is it too late to learn and adapt to such traits?

Dear Carmen:

Thank you so much for submitting such an authentic question that many young women often begin to ask themselves at this threshold in their lives. With influences ranging from family/friends to the images that we see daily in pop culture, womanhood is constantly under a microscope and continually being redefined. There is, however, one standard of womanhood that has remained persistent throughout the test of time and that is the Proverbs 31 woman. Click here to read the verses about the Proverbs 31 woman in their entirety. I mention this chapter because it’s one of the greatest tools that not only points us to how we can be more “lady-like”, but it also teaches us what God expects of us as women. The Proverbs 31 woman indicates that women should value and demonstrate the following characteristics: being moral, trustworthy, having the ability to make sound decisions, willing to work hard to increase her quality of life, she’s kind/giving, and she makes sure to consider the way that she presents herself in both looks and demeanor.  There is a quiet confidence that this woman possess, which may be quite the opposite of what we’re sometimes taught and see on a daily basis.

Beyond the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman, I highly suggest identifying women in your family, workplace, or your church who possess the characteristics that you’re working to develop. Consider their actions and what influenced them to become the women who they are today. In speaking with these women and learning their stories, you may discover that you already possess the things that you’re seeking.

I hope this helps. Always remember Psalm 139:14 "You are fearfully and wonderfully made!"

God Bless You,
Wynter Patterson