Monday, December 2, 2013

Do You Have Followers or Witnesses?

Do you know your staunchest supporters? There are people in our lives who are only there to follow and watch what we do. They have their reasons and motives but would they be there when the chips are down? Most likely not in a way that would serve us all well.

A witness on the other hand is there to love you as unconditionally as possible; support your endeavors and keep you accountable to God almighty. A true witness is an exhorter whose only goal is to speak the truth in love in an effort to make you better. For some of us, that is a small circle of trustworthy friends.

The Bible states, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” (Proverbs 27:17) Essentially, this verse is stating that a friend of strength is to be desired in order to remain strong.

We’re going to have both followers and witnesses. Just be sure to know the difference and be grateful for the truth tellers in your life. They are the ones who know and protect you, precious pearl.

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