Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ask Wynter: Letting My Guard Down

Dear Wynter,
I’ve found myself in many relationships where I’ve been taken advantage of, lied to, etc. by the people I was the closest to- parents, my boyfriend, and most recently my best friend of 17 years. I never felt like this really affected other relationships in my life; but recently I realized that I haven’t gotten close to anyone for awhile now, and when I look at the big picture I know it’s because I’m afraid of letting people in out of fear of getting hurt. Sometimes I feel that it would be a lot easier to just keep to myself, but at the same time I don't want to miss out on any valuable relationships God may be trying to place in my life. I want to be open to new relationships, but it is becoming increasingly hard to let my guard down. What advice do you have for letting go of past hurts and being more trusting?

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Dear Ashley,

It is very hard to deal with betrayal by the people closest to you. Many disappointments come on different levels throughout our lives, but nothing hurts worse than when it comes from the people that we love, and those that are supposed to love us in return.

The first thing you need to do is ask yourself: Have I forgiven this person who has hurt me? I mean, have you really allowed God to heal your pain? Before you can heal, you have got to forgive. Now, forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean total relationship restoration. However, it does mean being able to love in spite of your pain, and be genuinely kind to your offender. If you have not forgiven, ask the Lord to allow you to fully forgive. You will know when you have forgiven because you will not feel weighed down by guilt and the joy of the Lord will be felt as an internal peace.

Secondly, you must ask God to heal you. He's your Father so you can be honest when you tell Him how you feel. Ask Him to take away your hurt and pain. He won’t necessarily take away the memory, but He can take away the pain from the memory. Ask Him to adjust your perspective so that you may understand why it had to happen.

While it’s hard to endure the hurt from loved ones, I’ve found that God uses the people closest to us for testing and pruning (Psalm 66:10). We have got to remember that it is our job to love and pray for those who despitefully use us, trusting in God to provide for our needs.

Although you have been hurt, it is not wise to live in fear because whether you realize it or not, refusing to allow anyone to get close to you is the manifestation of fear. The bible tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7). You are right; operating in fear of being hurt could cause you to miss out on some great relationships that God is trying to bring into your life. You must begin to believe that every relationship; good or bad is divinely ordained and will all work together for you good. The bible tells us that the man who trusts in the Lord does not fear evil tidings but confidently trusts in the Lord for protection (Psalm 112:7).

Ashley, I pray and hope that you will allow God to heal your pain. I also pray that you will move beyond fear and begin to truly trust and depend on the Lord for guidance and protection in your life. I can testify that although you will experience pain in this life, He will never fail you nor forsake you (Joshua 1:5).

God Bless you,

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ask Wynter: I Feel Like Something is Missing

 My name is Melissa..I want to know how do I truly find out what my purpose in life is and How does one truly obtain happiness..God has truly blessed me..but I keep coming back to a place of unhappiness..feeling lonely and feeling like something is missing..thank you so much for taking out the time to read this email...I would love to hear back from you..thank you..

Dear Melissa,
I am so glad that you decided to write. You are at a familiar place for most people in the world. Most people would agree that at some point, if not at this very moment, they have found themselves in a place of wanting to understand their purpose.   That is probably the reason why you feel what I call “spiritual unrest”, like something is missing. I remember feeling exactly what you are describing so I can truly relate. This is actually a great place to be because it opens the door to so many new things and experiences that will eventually shape your existence.
In the quest to understand your purpose there are several things you should do. First, spend time in fasting and prayer.  Pray with fasting gives you clarity like nothing else. Make the focus of your prayers during that time period on understanding your purpose. Write down everything that the Lord shares with you and any signs, conversations, revelations that you discover during this time period.
Secondly, take a personal inventory. This is key in uncovering your purpose.  Write down any problem that burdens your heart in the world, what group of people does your heart bleed for, what gift or talents do you have, what have you overcome? By journaling about these things you can get closer to understanding your purpose. You can find a more detailed account of this practice and others who have been where you are by reading “I Am a Pearl”, chapters 4 and 5 deal with understanding your purpose.
As with anything that is of great importance, you must take these tasks very seriously and continually pray for guidance. Once you believe you have discovered your purpose, get a mentor and get busy! You have work to do!
Continue to seek God for answers and trust that He will not fail you. He desires to see you fulfill His purpose so He will help you on your path to discovery. I am praying for you and I hope to receive a praise report from you soon. God loves you and He desires to use you in a major way!
God Bless You,